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Welcome, congratulations on taking an important step towards improving your practice by using the Bioclear method, a revolutionary approach to restorative dentistry. The difference you’ll make for your patients can be life changing.

As you move forward, we want you to understand why the Bioclear method uses 3M materials to help optimize results.

We believe any change in your practice should be kept as simple as possible.

That’s why there are just five primary 3M products used in the Bioclear method, all scientifically proven to elevate procedures and results.

3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and 3M Filtek Supreme Flowable Restorative are used for anterior restorations. They’re color coded blue so you know they work together in the anterior. 3M Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative and 3M Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable work together for posterior restorations. They’re color coded green as perfect partners for posterior restorations. Blue is for beautiful interior restorations and green is for great posterior results. It’s that easy.

With all 3M composites, 3M Scotchbond Universal Plus Adhesive is recommended.

That’s the five product lineup for success with the Bioclear method. Our learning modules will help you see why 3M materials were chosen for the Bioclear method. We’ll also explain how they’ve been validated through more than five years of extensive scientific studies.

This module will help you understand why Filtek’s Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative is the composite of choice for beautiful anterior restorations using the Bioclear method.

We’ll give a brief product description, then you’ll hear from Dr. Reza Moezi about his experience using this restorative and the Bioclear method. 3M Senior Product Development Specialist Dr. Tim Dunbar will outline its science based benefits and the studies that backed them up. He’ll also talk about an important study that highlights the importance of polish retention. Finally, we’ll look at some tips for incorporating Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and the Bioclear method into your practice.

OK, let’s get started with a product overview.

The Bioclear method uses Filtek’s Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative for anterior restorations. One big reason is trust.

3M dental restoratives have been put to the test for more than 50 years and more than 1 billion restorations worldwide.

Excellent polish retention and strength are primary reasons why Filtek’s Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative is perfect for anterior restorations. 3M’s true nanofiller technology helps tell the story.

The significant difference between Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and micro and nanohybrids is that nanoparticles are uniquely formed in the nano-sized range and are not the result of a grinding process. Nanoparticles are fused into nanoclusters in 3M nanocomposites. This means they wear at a rate similar to human enamel. 3M’s unique nanotechnology means restorations made from Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative maintain a smooth surface gloss for excellent aesthetics, especially important for anterior restorations.

Warming is important in the Bioclear method, which is why Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and Filtek Supreme Flowable Restorative have been extensively studied to ensure that they are both safe and effective when warmed. After being warmed, there was no difference in physical properties between room temperature and warmed Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative. Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative can be injection molded, which is Bioclear’s patented method for co-curing a second uncured layer of adhesive, plus 3M’s flowable and universal composite in one monolithic mass.

3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative comes in 36 beautiful shades to help assure the best color match. They match the VITA classic shade guide and our 3M Filtek Supreme Flowable Restorative. To make things simple, the Bioclear method utilizes our eight go to body shades.

And any of the eight go to Bioclear body shades of 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative can be co-cured up to 2 millimeters with Filtek Supreme Flowable Restorative.

Excellent. Now let’s hear from the experts. Dr. Reza Moezi who uses the Bioclear method in 3M products in his practice. Dr. Moezi will explain why he uses the Bioclear method and 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative on anterior teeth. And 3M chemist and product development specialist Dr. Tim Dunbar will explain the science behind 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and its proven benefits. Tim Dunbar holds a PhD in physical chemistry and was the lead developer for 3M Filtek one book fill restorative and other well-known 3M dental restorative materials.

Welcome to you both. Let’s start with Dr. Moezi and this question– with the Bioclear method, why is the ability to warm the composite materials so important?

Warming of the composite is the key element in the Bioclear method. Warm composite tends to be more fluid and much easier to handle. Warm composite also is easier to extrude and may even improve the adaptability and the adaptation of the composite to the tooth. 3M has done extensive studies on warm composite. The ability to injection mold and cold cure the adhesive, the flow of oil, and the paste into one monolithic mass makes for a wonderfully stable and predictable restoration.

Now, you may use other composite materials, but if you do so, make sure that the manufacturer has done the research to support warming of the composite as well as injection molding.

Thank you, Dr. Moezi, great insights. Now let’s hear from 3M scientist Dr. Tim Dunbar. Tim, what can you tell us about the physical properties of 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative after it’s warmed and how well it works for injection molding?

Here are the 3M composites that can be safely warmed. On the left, we see that these include our universal composites, our flowable composites, and our bulk fill composites. On the right of this slide, you can see some of the research that we’ve done to prove that they can be safely warmed. We see the science of safety, that is the rigorous testing that we’ve done at 3M to show that warmed Filtek composites are safe for clinicians and patients.

First, the toxicology testing has been done and shown that warming is safe. Second, an extensive literature search and internal to 3M pulp temperature rise test has shown that minimal heat is transferred to the pulp from a warmed composite. Third, extensive physical property testing has shown that our composites are just as strong from a warmed composite, as they are from a room temperature composite. So not only have we tested these composites in our internal labs for safety and strength, warmed versus room temperature, we’ve had them tested externally to 3M.

And this external testing shows us that the composite is just as strong, durable, and lasting when it’s warmed as when it’s been placed at room temperature. So in the injection molding method, when you’re using an uncured layer of an adhesive, you might be wondering, is my composite really stuck to the tooth as well as some of the more traditional methods of placing composite on tooth?

We’ve tested this thoroughly. Our conclusion from these results is that there’s no statistical difference in shear bond strength when using cured versus uncured adhesive in the universal composite injection molding technique.

Thanks for that, Tim. Now, Dr. Moezi, we were also wondering, because aesthetics are so important in the anterior, do you get better aesthetic results using 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and the Bioclear method?

You can have supremely aesthetic results using the Bioclear method with the Filtek Supreme system. It’s a true marriage of flow able composite and paste, structurally and aesthetically blending with the natural tooth structure. And because the body shades match the Filtek Supreme flowable, you can have confidence in the aesthetics of your interior restorations. The polish ability of this material is absolutely supreme. You can get it to a high gloss and a high finish. And the beauty is that the finish and the polish can be predictably maintained over the course of time.

Now, we do also recommend that you not only cure the composite before, but also after the removal of the gross excess. You can’t overcure composite, but you want to be mindful not to exceed curing time to overheat the tooth.

Excellent. Now, let’s learn about the science and research that backs up Dr. Moezi’s aesthetic results. Tim, can you start us off by talking about translucency versus hiding power?

You may have noticed that in the Bioclear method, the body shades of 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative are specified. Why is this?

The reason is that the body shades have a good balance between opacity on one side and translucency on the other. They’re opaque enough to cover over unwanted stain and yet they are translucent enough to have a good chameleon effect or good ability to blend color with the surrounding tooth.

This balancing is done best with our body shade level of opacity.

Now, let’s talk about the research on 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative polish and polish retention properties when used with the Bioclear polishing system. Tim, can you weigh in here?

Here at 3M, we’ve tested the polish and polish retention of Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative extensively. But we’ve also had it tested by an external academic lab. And that’s the results that are shown on this slide.

In the right hand side, you can see how the Bioclear polishing system leads to better initial polish than a competitive system. And you can also see how the nanotechnology of Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative leads to good initial polish, but then also long lasting polish. That is good polish retention.

What this means to you is that you can be confident the hard work that you put in to making good quality anterior restorations will have long lasting aesthetics.

Another part of that same study was measuring the roughness of the brushed composite samples, using atomic force microscopy. You see the results on this slide and that the surface roughness after 24,000 brushing cycles is very low for Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative.

Why this matters is that smoother surfaces resist the accumulation of plaque better than rough surfaces. And this smoothness on the 3M composite leads to better hygiene for your patients.

Now, let’s wrap things up with some chair side tips for using 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative in the Bioclear method. Meet Daley Williams, she provides chair side support for restorations placed using the Bioclear method. So she knows her stuff. Welcome Daley.

Hello and thanks for the introduction. As far as practice integration is concerned, 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative is a critical component of injection molding and the Bioclear method. So it should not be left out of your integration plans. From a clinical perspective, this composite is essential to include in your practice, because it is safe to warm, which is one of the pillars of the Bioclear method. 3M has performed extensive testing, showing that warming 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative is safe and that it won’t harm the physical properties of the material.

That’s the clinical perspective from. A historical perspective, 3M Filtek dental restorations have been trusted for over 50 years in over a billion restorations. That history and reliability is a great comfort to patients. Warming your universal composite may be new to you, so here are a few easy to remember dos and don’ts. Do place the 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative capsules into the heat sink warmer five minutes before the procedure to allow it to warm to 68 degrees Celsius, 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, if the composite won’t be used immediately, remove it from the warmer until you’re ready for the next procedure. Capsules may be heated to 70 degrees Celsius, 158 degrees Fahrenheit for up to one hour. Do use only approved devices that have been tested for safety and efficacy when warming select 3M Filtek composites. It’s not safe to heat your composites using unapproved methods. No light bulbs, microwaves, mug warmers, or other unapproved heating devices.

Do remember that during curing the output of your light is as critical as your technique. Curing is something you might not think about too much, because you do it every day. However, the material properties and color stability of the composites you’re placing may be compromised if they’re not adequately cured. To help you cure with confidence and make sure your output is adequate, you can arrange to have a 3M rep test your curing light with the checkmark system. They can also give you tips on your curing technique.

Do wear eye protection during curing. Orange goggles filter out blue light and allow you to pay close attention during the curing process so that you can accurately direct the light where it’s needed to ensure strong, long lasting results. While we’re talking about light curing, do be sure to follow the instructions for use for both the depth of cure and the curing time for the composites you’re using. Remember, curing times vary depending on the shade of the composite you’re using. Generally speaking, the darker the shade, the more additional curing time is required.

After the critical light curing step, you’re ready to finish and polish the restoration using the Bioclear method steps, which goes as follows. Step one, contour to the teeth using 3M Sof-Lex Extra Thin Contouring and Polishing Discs. Step two, floss the interproximal areas.

Step three, finish the restoration using the Bioclear magic mix pre-polishing paste and cup, followed by step four, the final polishing using the diamond impregnated rock star polisher.

Finally, remember that the shelf life of 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative is three years. So check before using it to make sure that the product date is within that time frame.

Thanks for learning about 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative and why it is the composite of choice for anterior restorations using the Bioclear method. Please assign this module to your staff members in Bioclear expand. To learn more, go to

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Learn in more detail about 3M Filtek Supreme Ultra, its attributes, and techniques for best results.