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A Live Virtual Introduction to Injection Molding and The Bioclear Technique for Composites Hands on Course

Live Virtual

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Learn about Bioclear and Heated Injection Molding from the comfort of your own operatory. 7 CE


In this introductory course, learn the basics of Bioclear and heated injection molding in a small, interactive online class. In this live 7 hour course, you will be introduced to the benefits of Bioclear, practice Bioclear techniques on soft-tissue dentiforms, and come away with the basic skills and understanding needed as a precursor to performing the Bioclear Method on patients.

This course requires you to be in your operatory for the entirety of the course and to provide a curing light and high speed and slow speed handpieces.

All other materials needed to participate including Heatsync composite warmer, soft tissue dentiform, 3M materials, matrices, and instruments will be shipped to each attendee prior to the course. The equipment and re-usable items will need to be returned after the class is over, but you can keep any remaining single-use items (like matrices and wedges).

Click here to watch a video about the course!

Please note that all course times run from 7 AM PT/10 AM ET to 2:30 PM PT/5:30 PM ET. 

Any changes to your course registration must be made 45 days prior to the start date of the course. This includes cancellations and/or rescheduling. A written notice must be submitted to the Bioclear Learning Center Director via email at [email protected]. Changes made within the 45 days before the course start date are not eligible for a full refund or to be moved. If your kit is not returned, there will be a $1,555 charge on your account for the items included in the kit.

Learning Objectives

  • Build familiarity with the principles of warmed composite
  • Learn the injection molding technique using warmed/liquified flowable and paste composite resin
  • Discover the benefits of injection molding into special black triangle matrices
  • Close a black triangle and create a mirror-like finish and invisible margins
  • Understand how to avoid common mistakes that lead to less-than-satisfactory results when performing anterior restorations
  • Receive an updated, hands-on evaluation of modern matrices, wedges and separators
  • Learn and perform the seven steps to achieve rock-solid contacts in a Class II restoration 


This course does not have any prerequisites.

This course requires you to be in your operatory for the entirety of the course.

4 hours

8 CE Credits


Upcoming Dates

Click on a date to register


After completing this course dentists will be certified in…. This cetification is also a requirement in the Master Certification Track…